Thursday 26 April 2012

Getting Rid of Misconceptions About Online Executive MBA Programs

Can online executive MBA programs actually improve your career opportunities? Whatever your specific career goals, you can be sure that the Executive MBA can provide a solid boost for you. However, no one can deny that for many nowadays, there are certain commitments that make its pursuance a bit difficult.
Those with a lot on their plate can still pursue the degree through distance learning, fortunately. Prior to applying for the course, you must of course learn as much as you can. That out of the way, we now move on to some false assumptions people often make about the course.
One often-made assertion is that it is faster and less expensive. Frankly, this is untrue given that most schools charge more or less similar rates for the actual lessons in the two kinds of courses. Even the packages offered by some colleges cannot present major budgetary advantages, at least not if the primary consideration is cost per credit.
Truth be told, there is indeed an element of truth to the statement that Web-based courses let you cut down costs. The true financial benefits of the Net-based classes are found in the fact that you need not pay for things like commuting to campus. And because many online instructors tend to save their studying materials in PDFs, you may skip buying more textbooks.
The typical number of credit hours asked of students is going to be around thirty-six credit hours. Thus, the average length of the course would be about a couple of years. Although there are several accelerated online EMBA options offered, if you encounter a program promising an EMBA in just a short year, you could be coming across a fraudulent school.
The Internet programs also suffer from a regularly cast disparagement that they are easy compared to the regular programs. The actual ease associated with EMBAs is more properly given to their accommodation. This obviously does not mean that you have simpler or more elementary lessons with which to contend.
It is in fact just as hard. The basic course demands and activities, even if adapted for the Internet format, are still the same. The absence of professors from your side may even render it harder than the conventional course if you are not used to studying by yourself.
Of course, there are other ways of communicating with class members, including instant messaging and so on. However, the response rate can be somewhat slow. There can be no doubt that only self-motivated people who do not need to depend on others can prosper in these courses.
One more misconception is that all Web-based courses are equal. One should refrain from holding them all in equal regard. To determine legitimate schools from fraudulent ones, check the school’s accreditation and visit the US Department of Education site if the online school you are eyeing is indeed legit.
It would be irrational to expect every last college in the country to be included in the USDE’s compilation, however. College Navigator can be a good alternative if the school is not on the USDE list. Overall, executive MBA programs are still worthwhile alternatives for those who cannot pursue an EMBA the conventional way.

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