Sunday 18 November 2012

MBA Students Help Find Economic Solutions for the Nation's Capital

When District of Columbia Mayor Vincent Gray enlisted a consortium of the city’s business schools to create a five-year economic development strategy for the nation’s capital, the idea seemed more novel than tactical. After all, it was an unusual assignment, especially because 16 first-year MBA students would do much of the fieldwork.

This week the mayor released The Five-Year Economic Development Strategy for the District of Columbia to praise from the business community. It’s a self-assured vision that looks to generate 100,000 new jobs and $1 billion in new tax revenue by 2017. It reflects Washington’s current economic situation and imagines an even brighter future for the District. It is a strategy that is both thoughtful and achievable.

The MBA students who served as the foot soldiers in this process hailed from The George Washington UniversityGeorgetown UniversityAmerican University and Howard University. They broke up into teams and studied the city’s seven industry sectors—federal government and federal government contracting, higher education and health care, hospitality, professional services, real estate and construction, retail, and technology.

The report is a testament to this energetic band of student fellows who weren’t afraid to test their skills, forge a new career path (albeit temporarily), and look with new eyes at deeply rooted economic challenges in Washington, D.C. If the report proves to be a success, as I know it will, it will be because of their superior work.

The mayoral fellowship attracted top-of-the-line candidates, all stars in their own right at their various schools. When they came together, the chemistry could be unpredictable but it also was high-spirited and generous. It was a regular reminder that we had recruited a smart, talented and committed group of fellows.
Our team had two Peace Corps volunteers and one Teach for America volunteer, as well as fellows who took more traditional routes to business school, working for Fortune 500 corporations or excelling in consulting companies. We also had public servants who had worked around the globe, from the U.S. Army to The Capital Markets Board in Turkey.

I was pleased to see how international our fellows were. It wasn’t unusual for the group to talk about their adventures overseas, not just because they liked to travel but because their families lived in distant places like India, the Middle East and Russia. In fact one of the fellows, Georgetown’s Sandeep Pillai, who hailed from India, invited everyone to his wedding in India in January.

Pulling a group of ambitious MBA students together could easily turn into a festival of egos, but what was most encouraging was their ability to work in teams and bring the best out in each other. We were especially pleased by the friendships that grew out of the fellowship, as students like Erica Clarke from Howard and Erin Monahan from American explored the city’s arts and culture scene to pull together their chapter on DC’s hospitality sector.

Working all summer long, the fellows interviewed more than 180 key leaders in Washington’s private, public and academic communities, analyzed sector economic data and proposed some 50 initiatives to enhance DC’s current job creation and economic development efforts. When they weren’t fanning out across the city, you could find them haunting the hallways at GWSB and lunching every summer Friday, thanks to the smart catering work of Georgetown fellow Michael Greenwald.

American’s Andrew Olson took on extra duty to guide our efforts on a sophisticated economic impact model we used to evaluate the various initiatives in the report. Other gifted fellows, Eric Igwe from Howard and Chaitanya V. Gopineedi, Julia Robbins and Dmitry Terekhov of Georgetown, matched his work and determination.

I was especially proud of the contributions of GWSB students Kevin Curley, Shruti Garhwal, Omar Hamwi, Stephan Kallus, John McKiel, Dan Roth, Fatih Saglik and Daniel Stoops. I was impressed with their professionalism and dedication to the project. GWSB has worked hard to bring skilled students to our campus, and this group of individuals represents the best in academia.

I welcomed the news that the fellowship has helped at least one of our fellows find a permanent job. Daniel Stoops, who was on the Strategy’s federal government team, has accepted an offer from Deloitte to start as a senior consultant in its Federal Strategy & Operations practice after graduation. When we first envisioned this fellowship, one of our chief goals was to give students the valuable consulting experience that would lead to a career and meaningful work. I am heartened to hear that we have succeeded

The future of The Five-Year Economic Development Strategy for the District of Columbia hasn’t been written yet. It will be discovered over the next five years as the mayor and his staff implement the dozens of initiatives included in the report. As for our 16 student fellows, I have no doubt they will not only excel in their careers but will become the leaders the business community so richly deserves and needs.

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